Cresskill High

High School


The Cresskill High School Vocal Music Program is a performance based music education approach designed to provide a well-rounded music experience whilst also challenging students to improve their vocal skills and knowledge while nurturing a lifelong appreciation of music. The students will develop a widened understanding of musical styles, terms, performance skills, intonation, and tone.

Concert Choir
Vocal Ensemble


The Cresskill High School Instrumental Music Program is a performance based music education approach designed to provide a well-grounded music experience whilst challenging students to improve their instrumental skills. The program provides music lessons as well as instruments if necessary. The program consists of marching band and concert band.

Concert Band
Marching Band
Jazz Band
Small Ensembles


The Cresskill High School Theatre Program consists of two classes: Theatre I and Theatre II, which explores Shakespearean and classic theatre as well as more modern pieces through monologues and scenes.

Theatre I
Theatre II